The book shows you why, the apps show you how. 

If you've picked up the book, then you know Die with Zero originally started out as an app. But a few years ago, a highly-revered doctor specializing in longevity convinced Bill to write a book instead.

But we've decided to build out some apps anyway! These will help you implement the ideas from the book.

Please note: If you haven't read Die with Zero yet, you may struggle understanding how to use these apps. If you haven't, pick up the book now!

Die with Zero Apps:

Spend Curve App

The Spend Curve app helps you visualize different scenarios for maximizing the money you spend, while you're still healthy enough to enjoy it. For a given set of inputs, it demonstrates the saving and spending required to maximize that time.


1. Input your Current Age, Retirement Age, Life Expectancy, Net worth
2. Input your ROI
3. Input your Post-retirement benefits
4. The Activity age discount type field allows you to “frontload” or “backload” your activity preference. If you believe you will stay healthy longer, or enjoy less physical activity, you can backload and vice-versa.

 Privacy Info: Your data is private. This app does not store information you input.

Please send any feedback you have or questions to: feedback@diewithzerobook.com

Time Buckets Toolkit App

Time buckets enable you to design your life based on experiences allotted to different time-cycles. Enter the key experiences you want to have during your lifetime. We all have dreams in life. This app helps you organize them so you can make them happen.


1. Input your Current Age, Retirement Age, Life Expectancy, Net worth
2. Input your ROI
3. Input your Post-retirement benefits
4. The Activity age discount type field allows you to “frontload” or “backload” your activity preference. If you believe you will stay healthy longer, or enjoy less physical activity, you can backload and vice-versa.

 Privacy Info: You'll be asked to provide your email address so you can save and review your Time Bucket Your data.

Please send any feedback you have or questions to: feedback@diewithzerobook.com